Payment Methods


We accept the following payment methods for purchases made on our site:

  • Cash On Delivery
  • Postpay
  • VISA credit/debit
  • MASTERCARD credit/debit



Payment must be made in the currency as indicated on your order before you submit it.


Cash On Delivery



Payment By Postpay

3 interest-free monthly payments

  • Sign up in seconds.
    No long forms to fill. You will receive an instant approval decision. Valid for orders up to AED6,000.
  • Split your purchase in 3.
    First payment is processed today. Remaining 2 payments are processed automatically every month.
  • No interest. No fees. 
    Postpay is always interest-free and you only pay for what you purchase.


All you need to apply is your debit or credit card. You must be over 18 and a UAE resident. Terms and Conditions apply. You can reach us on or +971-4215-6555. 

 Your products will be supplied after your payment is cleared.

Payment By Credit/Debit Card

If you pay by credit or debit card, you must supply your card details when you place your order.
When you place your order, the amount will immediately be deducted from the card & then only the order will be processed. We will not accept your order (and so we will not supply the products to you) until your credit or debit card issuer has authorized the use of your card for payment of the products ordered.
We reserve the right to verify the identity of the credit or debit card holder by requesting appropriate documentation.
We take all reasonable care to make our site secure and to prevent frauds.